Helping Good People Regain Control of Their Future
When Charged With a Crime
September 2017 eNewsletter Issue no. 10
Over a Decade of Helping Good People
Get Through Bad Situations
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Candid Video on Arrests, Jail and More

David Shapiro has been helping people charged with crimes for over 10 years. In this candid video, David speaks about his own experience as a defendant in the criminal justice system. This is one of the reasons that David understands the fear, uncertainty, and stress that clients go through when charged with a crime. Over the past decade, David has represented people charged with drug crimes, sexual assault,domestic violence, theft, and just about every type of criminal case imaginable, from simple misdemeanors to the most complex felonies. If you are facing a criminal charge in the greater San Diego area, The Law Office of David P. Shapiro offers experience, compassion and a track record of success. Call us for a free consultation.
2017 Criminal Case Law Developments in California

The courts have been active thus far this year dealing with numerous issues in the area of criminal law. Some of the more newsworthy cases are:

  • Conflicting decisions on warrantless search of probationer’s cell phone. Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and California Fourth District Court of Appeal differ on constitutional interpretation. If you are on probation, take note!

  • Five-year deadline on winding up appeals of death penalty cases was ruled unconstitutional. Prop 66 sought to speed up death penalty cases, but the court said mandatory deadlines could not be imposed.

  • Secret recording of babysitter abuse ruled legal. Parent can consent on behalf of child, in cases of violent felonies.

  • Prop 47, allowing reduced sentences for certain drug and theft crimes, did not amend Three Strikes Law.

  • Federal judge blocks requirement that gun owners surrender high-capacity magazines.

  • Therapists must report patients who view child porn online.
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San Diego, CA 92103
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