Helping Good People Regain Control of Their Future
When Charged With a Crime
October 2017 eNewsletter Issue no. 11
What To Expect From Your Free Case Evaluation at the
Law Office of David P. Shapiro
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What do you gain by having a free case evaluation?

This video describes what you can expect when you come into our office to meet Mr. Shapiro or one of his staff members, or speak to us on the phone, for your free case evaluation. The evaluation will be absolutely confidential, and we will take the time to ask you questions and present your options. Even if you decide not to go with our firm, you'll leave the evaluation with more information than you started with. If you do decide to hire the Law Office of David P. Shapiro, we will discuss what you want to achieve, what we can provide, and the cost of our services. We can also guarantee that your case will be handled properly and professionally, to achieve the best possible outcome.
The Opiate Crisis – California Fights Back
We've been deluged lately by news reports about the "opioid" crisis. They're talking primarily about prescription opiates – Fentanyl, Vicodin, Oxycontin, Percocet, and others. Why all the shouting? Well, to begin with, the link between crime and drug use is extraordinary. In San Diego, for example, SANDAG tells us that around 75% of all those arrested last year tested positive for some illegal substance. And the growth market for drugs is opiates. But some individuals and counties in California, including Orange and Santa Clara, are beginning to fight back. Their efforts are directed at drug companies accused of using misleading marketing practices to push the use of opiates. The practice most often called into question is “off-label” marketing, in which the company tells doctors to prescribe their drugs for purposes beyond those approved by the FDA. Other practices include downplaying the risks associated with opioid use, and exaggerating its benefits. The cost in human life and human suffering is enormous, and the economic burden on the criminal justice system and the taxpayer is staggering. Look for more on this in the near future.
3500 Fifth Ave., Suite 304
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: 619-295-3555
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