Helping Good People Regain Control of Their Future
When Charged With a Crime
November 2017 eNewsletter Issue no. 12
How to Choose the Right Criminal Defense Attorney
Finding the Right Attorney When You Are Charged with a Crime

In this online video, San Diego criminal defense lawyer David P. Shapiro discusses what to look for in an attorney when you or a loved one are facing criminal charges. Experience is obviously an issue, but David emphasizes the importance of also looking at the volume of the lawyer’s experience. This includes not only the length of time the attorney has been practicing law, but how many criminal cases has he or she defended, the number of felony cases, the number of preliminary hearings, and more. David suggests you also take note of how the attorney runs their own office – is it organized, with a professional staff, or is the attorney at his or her wit’s end running from one task to another? Finally, take a good, hard look at the lawyer, including peer and client reviews, as well as the image the attorney projects, and even how he or she dresses. Remember, the attorney you choose will be seen as a representative and a reflection of you!
Media Flocks to David Shapiro for Comments on Harvey Weinstein and other Sexual Misconduct Cases
From Harvey Weinstein to a host of celebrities, sexual assault and other sexual misconduct has been big news lately. Whether the issue is an allegation against a movie producer or just an average citizen, David Shapiro’s experience has often led the media to his office for comments about cases in the news. Recent interviews include Voice of America’s Lori Lundin (beginning at about minute 15:00) seeking David’s input on the legal aspects of the Weinstein case. Other media interviews and quotes from David on sex crimes in the news can be viewed in the Los Angeles Times, and on NBC, ABC and more.
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This newsletter is for meant for informational and marketing purposes only. Viewing and/or use of the newsletter, including sending email or submission of forms, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship. Any endorsement, testimonial or other statement contained in or referred to in this newsletter is not a guarantee, a warranty or a prediction of a particular result in your case. David P. Shapiro is an active member of the State Bar of California and is admitted to practice law in any and all California state courts and in the Southern District of California federal courts.