Helping Good People Regain Control of Their Future
When Charged With a Crime
May 2018 eNewsletter Issue no. 18
Arrested but never convicted?
Have your California arrest record sealed.
It’s one thing to be charged with a crime and to be acquitted or for the case to be dismissed. But what about your arrest record? This could affect your employment and educational opportunities by remaining a blemish on your record. Under the CARE Act (Penal Code Section 851.91), sealing your arrest record just got easier. If you were arrested but not charged, or if the charges were dismissed, or if you were acquitted, or if your conviction was reversed on appeal, you may now be able to have your arrest record sealed as a matter of right. While there are exceptions to the new law, which went into effect on January 1, 2018, most people are now in a position to apply successfully to have their arrest record sealed from public view. Contact our Firm to learn more about the new law and how it can make a positive difference in your life.
Uber, Lyft Drivers Face Lower BAC Limit for DUI
Effective July 1, 2018, Uber, Lyft and other ride-share drivers will be subject to a lower legal limit for their blood alcohol content when charged with a DUI. Currently, they are subject to a legal limit of 0.08, the same as other drivers of passenger vehicles. Drivers of trucks and other commercial vehicles are already subject to a much lower alcohol limit - 0.04 - and that limit will now be made applicable to ride-share drivers.
3500 Fifth Ave., Suite 304
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: 619-295-3555
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