We Help Good People Regain Control of Their Future
When Charged With a Crime
July 14, 2020 eNewsletter Issue no. 45
Some Answers, More Questions, A Lot of Moving Parts: San Diego Superior Court Update
The uncertainty we all are facing during these difficult times may seem unmanageable. That anxiety is only compounded if you have a pending criminal court case going on. We get that. That is why all three of our attorneys recently participated in a Zoom meeting with the heads of the District Attorney’s Office, City Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, and Presiding Criminal Court Judge. Here is what we learned:

Out of Custody Defendants
(a) If you have already had your first court date, charges have been filed, and subsequent court appearances from March 17-present have not taken place due to Covid-19, we have been told our office should be notified toward the end of July regarding a status conference being calendared for mid-late August. You will not be present for that August status conference, but we will, and we will keep you updated throughout. The conference will address scheduling, motions, hearings and other matters pertaining to your case. From there, future court appearances will be set, likely no sooner than mid-September, whether via Microsoft Teams or in person.
(b) If you have had charges filed against you, but your arraignment (first court date) was either from March 17 through at least mid-August, or the original arraignment date came and went without charges being filed but charges have since been filed, both
you and the Firm should be receiving “notify letters,” letting us know of a new/first court date to take place on or after September 1.
(c) If your matter is under investigation, without charges having been filed, we will continue to monitor your case with the District/City Attorney’s Office(s) and do what we can to prevent the formal filing of charges.

In-Custody Defendants
We anticipate that all previously scheduled court appearances for in-custody defendants will go on as scheduled via Microsoft Teams. Anyone arrested who does not bail out should have their first court date set (arraignment) within a few court days of their arrest.

Jury Trials
We do not anticipate jury trials going forward until AT LEAST the end of 2020, if not 2021.

Want More Info?
Additional information can be found by clicking on the video above or here.
Who Adds to Their Team During a Global Pandemic? We Do! Please Welcome
Attorney Ally F. Keegan! 

We announced in our April issue that Ally Keegan was joining the Firm as an associate attorney. Born and raised in New York, Ally is a graduate of Villanova University and holds a law degree with a concentration in criminal litigation from the University of San Diego School of Law. She is a long-time member of the Professional Advancement Committee and the Women's and Reproductive Justice Advocacy Committees with the Lawyers Club of San Diego. Ally joins us as our third attorney and brings with her extensive experience in the area of criminal defense at both the state and federal level. To hear Ally speak about her experience and her goals in helping good people navigate the criminal justice system, click on the picture above.

In Ally's own words: "Unless you have a strong committed advocate on your side, a conviction and all the negative consequences that come along with it may be inevitable. I know how much is at stake, and I understand that an arrest or criminal conviction is never just a legal concept on a piece of paper. We've seen firsthand how a simple accusation can affect your job, professional license, relationship with your family, the way you're perceived by those around you, and maybe even the way you view yourself. As a criminal defense attorney, I take pride in being the one person who will listen to you and make your story heard . . .."
3500 Fifth Ave., Suite 304
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: 619-295-3555
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This newsletter is for meant for informational and marketing purposes only, and should not be relied on as legal advice. Viewing and/or use of the newsletter, including sending email or submission of forms, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship. Any endorsement, testimonial or other statement contained in or referred to in this newsletter is not a guarantee, a warranty or a prediction of a particular result in your case. Our attorneys are active members of the State Bar of California and are admitted to practice law in any and all California state courts and in the Southern District of California federal courts.