Helping Good People Regain Control of Their Future
When Charged With a Crime
January 2020 eNewsletter Issue no. 38
New Laws for 2020:
·         Restrictions on Cops' Use of Deadly Force
·         Private Prisons Banned
New California laws in 2020 include a number of statutes that directly impact the criminal justice system. Here are a couple of important ones:
AB 392Restricts use of deadly force by cops. Under the new law, police officers may use deadly force only to defend against an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. Prior law permitted deadly force, and made a homicide by a police officer “justifiable,” in a variety of circumstances, including when someone is fleeing from or resisting a felony arrest. This law is a reaction to fatal shootings by officers across the state.

AB 32 - Bans private, for-profit prisons. Many believe that the enforcement of some laws – drug possession, for example – is fueled not by a desire to make the community safer, but rather by the economic motives of those who profit off the criminal justice system. This law prohibits new or renewed contracts with private prisons (with certain exceptions) and bans the state from housing prisoners in private, for-profit prisons starting in 2028.

New laws this year also affect the time for testing rape kits, the statute of limitations for reporting domestic violence, and gun violence restraining orders, among others.
David P. Shapiro and Stefano L. Molea again Selected as Super Lawyers
While many law firms boast of their awards, few can say they are consistently rated in the top 2.5% by reputable organizations such as Super Lawyers like we are. Once again, both David P. Shapiro and Stefano L. Molea have been selected by Super Lawyers as San Diego “Rising Stars.” This is the 6th year in a row that David has been honored by the selection, and the 5th year in a row for Stefano. The reason we suggest looking at Super Lawyers when you need an attorney is because they utilize independent research to evaluate how well each lawyer served his or her clients. This includes verdicts, settlements, educational qualifications, evaluation by other attorneys, and pro bono work by each lawyer. Our Firm is proud that 100% of our lawyers are in the top 2.5%, as rated by Super Lawyers.
3500 Fifth Ave., Suite 304
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: 619-295-3555
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