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February 2025 eNewsletter Issue no. 102

Giving Back: LOODPS + BLAC

Far more than helping good people regain control of their future when charged with a crime by providing excellent representation, our greatest pride is in the work we do creating an everlasting impact to the San Diego community beyond criminal defense.  

Our featured organization for February is BLAC (Black Leadership Alliance Coalition), an organization aimed at equipping young minority professionals with skills in strategic thinking, communication, and financial literacy while addressing systematic disaparities. (Pictured is David with TJ Harris, Founder of BLAC, on February 5, 2025, at the first of four modules of the EmpowerU leadership development program.)

We will be featuring other outstanding organizations the Firm supports in future enewsletters.  

Mental Health Diversion in California

Are you aware that there is a program in California known as Mental Health Diversion? As explained in this video by attorney Elmira Yousufi, you may qualify for the dismissal of the entire criminal case against you, and the sealing of the record of your arrest, providing you meet the requirements of the program.


In order to qualify, Elmira explains that you need to satisfy five criteria:


  • A recent (eligible) mental health diagnosis.
  • An expert who will state that a treatment program would work for you.
  • Proof that your mental disorder was a significant factor in the commission of the crime with which you have been charged.
  • Your agreement to enter the program and to waive your right to a speedy trial.
  • You are not a threat to public safety.


If you qualify for and successfully complete the program, your criminal case will be dismissed, and the record of your arrest will be sealed.

Save Our Contact Info

David P Shapiro Criminal Defense Attorneys

Phone: 619-295-3555


Contact Us 24/7

This newsletter is for meant for informational and marketing purposes only, and should not be relied on as legal advice. Viewing and/or use of the newsletter, including sending email or submission of forms, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship. Any endorsement, testimonial or other statement contained in or referred to in this newsletter is not a guarantee, a warranty or a prediction of a particular result in your case. Our attorneys are active members of the State Bar of California and are admitted to practice law in any and all California state courts and in the Southern District of California federal courts.