Helping Good People Regain Control of Their Future
When Charged With a Crime
February 2018 eNewsletter Issue no. 15
Survival Guide for Those Accused of a Sex Crime in San Diego
This book explains what you can do to get your life back on track if you have been charged with a sex crime.
Being charged with a sex crime will throw your life into chaos. The purpose of this book is not to excuse sexual assault and similar behavior. On the other hand, you may be entirely innocent, or the charge against you may be exaggerated. And as we know from the "Weinstein Effect," merely being accused of certain behavior will lead many people to assume you are guilty. The attorneys at the Law Office of David P. Shapiro are experienced at helping those who are facing allegations such as sexual assault, sexual battery, indecent exposure, rape, domestic violence, stalking, child molestation, and more. In his book, Mr. Shapiro provides tips on (a) what to do if you are arrested, (b) information on the various types of sex crimes, and (c) insight on how to rebuild your life. This includes exercising your right to remain silent, retaining an experienced criminal defense attorney as quickly as possible, and preparing for your first court date. The book is free and can be downloaded by clicking above or by visiting our website.
New Traffic Laws Involving Marijuana
This year has been notable for a variety of changes in California's law. The new laws have affected numerous issues, including those relating to driving and marijuana. While DUI marijuana has long been an offense in our state, 2018 has ushered in a couple of new measures that previously applied only to alcohol. The first (SB 65) makes it an infraction to consume marijuana while driving or while you are a passenger in a vehicle. A second law (SB 94) expands the "open container" law to marijuana (with a limited exception for medical marijuana), and also applies to both drivers and passengers .
3500 Fifth Ave., Suite 304
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: 619-295-3555
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This newsletter is for meant for informational and marketing purposes only. Viewing and/or use of the newsletter, including sending email or submission of forms, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship. Any endorsement, testimonial or other statement contained in or referred to in this newsletter is not a guarantee, a warranty or a prediction of a particular result in your case. David P. Shapiro and Stefano L. Molea are active members of the State Bar of California and are admitted to practice law in any and all California state courts and in the Southern District of California federal courts.