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Past Events

An Evening with Coach Rob Mendez

June 2, 2022

We were thrilled to be able to host an event at Above Ash Social (located atop the Carte Hotel) in Little Italy the evening of June 2, 2022, honoring 2019 Jimmy V Award for Perseverance ESPY award winner Coach Rob Mendez. Rob has inspired millions with his life story, overcoming all obstacles after being born without arms and legs. He is a great man, one who we consider a friend.

Whenever someone in your life, including yourself, questions whether you can do something, remember Coach Rob’s life, the title of his book, and his mantra: Who Says I Can’t? And then remind yourself: Nobody!

From the Streets to the Suites

May 27th, 2021 @ 6pm PST on Zoom

This free event is a virtual discussion with experts Jamie Beck (Free to Thrive), Armand King (Paving Great Futures), and Jamiee Johnson (Sisters of the Streets). The panel will be discussing the importance of transferable skills, effective legal support, and innovative solution focused thinking to create a community that supports individuals transitioning out of sexual exploitation.

An Evening with Prof. Justin Brooks of the California Innocence Project

September 17, 2020

Professor Justin Brooks is the Director & Co-Founder of the California Innocence Project, a non-profit that provides pro bono legal services to individuals who maintain their factual innocence of crime for which they have been convicted. What better way to wrap up your Constitution Day (09/17) than learning about the many causes of wrongful conviction from a man who has played such an integral role in getting wrongful convictions overturned?!

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An Evening with NFL Hall of Famer Andre Reed

July 30, 2020

Andre, a San Diego resident, will be discussing the invaluable lessons he learned throughout his illustrious football career and how so many of them translate into the business world. Most notably, Andre will be discussing overcoming adversity (he played an integral role leading the Buffalo Bills to arguably the greatest comeback victory in NFL history in the 1992 Playoffs), appreciating a successful year despite not achieving “the ultimate goal,” and sticking together as a team through success and disappointments.

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An Evening with Death Row Exonoree Juan Melendez

June 4, 2020

Juan Roberto Melendez-Colon (born May 24, 1951) is a public speaker and human rights activist who was wrongly convicted of murder and spent over 17 years on death row. He was released from prison on January 3, 2002, making him the 99th death row inmate in the United States to be exonerated and released from prison since 1973.

Juan Melendez first became connected with our Firm’s Owner and Managing Partner in 2006. David P. Shapiro, then President of Tulane University Law School’s Criminal Law Society, invited Juan to speak and share his story of perseverance to the people of New Orleans. The two have kept in touch the past 14 years, connecting whenever Juan would be in Southern California at a speaking event. We are thrilled he accepted our invite to speak (on Zoom) to all of you!

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