This contest is closed. Congratulations to Walter M!

David P. Shapiro Criminal Defense Attorneys

For the third time since 2016, David P. Shapiro Criminal Defense Attorneys will be providing a $1,000 educational scholarship, continuing to adhere to our policy of helping to assist persons in furthering their education. This year, as in 2017, the scholarship will be awarded to an individual who has been diagnosed with Autism.

Scholarship Description

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a term describing a number of disorders which relate to brain development. This $1,000 scholarship will be used to assist in tuition payment at a vocational school or an institution of higher learning (including a community college, 4-year college or university). The winner must choose the school he or she has chosen to attend within a year after the award is announced. The tuition check will be delivered to the school on behalf of the winner.

Who May Apply for the Scholarship?

Any individual who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (DSM-5) and who would like to move further in pursuing his or her educational goals may apply.  Applicants may be asked to provide evidence of that diagnosis. You need not be currently enrolled at an educational institution to qualify for the scholarship.